Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Diaper Bags for the Stylish Mama

Hey Guys, Happy Tuesday!

If you have been following along on my instagram then you have seen a few of my post where I talk about a huge surprise coming on August the 26th. I seriously can't wait to share what is going on! 

Mark your calendars for that date and be sure to follow along on instagram and snapchat (ryanndonahoe) so you can see up close and personal before it goes live!

If you are like me and love stylish bags then this post is for you. I recently teamed up with The Baby Cubby to write a post about our favorite diaper bag and give you a sneak peak at what's inside. 

Nothing irritates me more than carrying around a dorky diaper bag when I'm in my "cute" attire. It just completely throws of my look! 

This J.J Cole bag is the PERFECT bag, not only does it look great but it also works wonders as a diaper bag. It has several comparments for all of you and your babes belongings. It comes complete with a changing pad plus stroller handles which is genius! 

Do you ever travel with a stroller and find yourself trying to stuff your bag underneath it or even holding it on your shoulder the entire time? Well it has happened to me on several occasions. 

A few weeks ago I started working a couple of days a week and it has been great! My kiddos go to daycare on those two days, and we bring in bulk diapers and wipes so on the days they go all I'm packing is a lunch, and nap time needs. I pack all of that together in a small bag and I'm actually using my diaper bag for myself on the days that I work- shhh don't tell :) 

BE sure to check out the baby cubby for all of your babes needs from bags to toys! 

Here  is where you can go to see all that The Baby Cubby has to offer for yourself! 

You can also check out this link to see The Baby Cubby's diaper bag buying guide http://bit.ly/2aqJoie 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Honey Hive Five- Our go to bag

Happy Friday guys! 

So the blog is looking a little different these days which I'm sure you have noticed. We have made some big changed for wild rivers.co- it is now our main sight for all things Wild Rivers. 

Today I wanted to share with you our FAV bag for all of our essential oils. I have posted before about our love for these babies. We honestly couldn't live with our our EO's. 

This bag looks like a regular small bag you would us for things like makeup, jewelry, etc. but what I love about it is there are actually  like sections to hold your oils. Genius! 

Before our Honey Hive Five bag i was using a small Vera Bradley bag that I've had for years to carry my oils on the go. It wasn't ideal but did the trick but this bag is a game changer! 

I've teamed up with the awesome creator to bring my readers a coupon code to get your own! use code RIVERS10 for 10% off of yours! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Beauty Box 5

  Hey guys! 
Whew! Talk about one tired mama. This new schedule of getting Addie Rivers to school at 7:45 is wearing me out. Most mornings she isn't a little ray of sunshine. Thank goodness for coffee!  
Another thing that's been going on since we made the move is all of our "fun mail" we are receiving. If you follow me on Instagram or Snapchat I'm sure you have seen! My first fix from Stich fix arrived this morning. I was more than pleased! And like always I'm getting off track. 
I wanted to let you guys know about the awesome subscription box I received. Beauty Box 5! This was probably my most exciting fun mail yet. March months box ended up having something for both AR and me! 
If you haven't heard of Beauty Box five it's a monthly subscription box. They send you five sample items to try out. Plus AR loved the bonus we got in ours. 
 It included
  •  Colour Me- Sky Blue Fragrance 
  • Mai Couture- blush and highlight papiers
  • PurLisse- blue lotus 4 in 1 eye adore serum 
  • Glamour Dolls- Spring Makeup collection 
  • Personail- custom floral nail polish wraps 
Okay I am in love with the eye adore serum! I have used it the past week and can tell such a difference. And noticed a little goes a very long way. Also the blush and highlight from Mai Couture-http://bit.ly/1oJiEfG this is perfect to throw in the purse or the diaper bag. So when you are out and about you don't have to worry about bringing your entire makeup bag. I mean seriously with two kids who has time to reapply makeup in public. Not this girl! 
Addie Rivers had a blast with the nail polish wraps and the bonus. Which was a washable flower tattoo. ADORBS. 
I know we will be so excited to see the mail man bring our April Beauty Box five box! 
What are your favorite subscription boxes!? 

Coconut Blueberry Muffins

"Coconut Blueberry Muffins"

  Happy Friday! 
My goodness I'm so pumped it's the weekend. This Saturday my husband has promised me he will get up with the kids and I can sleep in! Ahh that's seriously the best thing EVER. 
  Yesterday the kiddos and I made our yummy coconut blueberry muffins. These are made with coconut flour and coconut sugar so it eases this mamas mind when my 11 month old wants to eat three. His favorite food is a blueberry muffin.  
 I like to think that we eat heathy all of the time but who am I kidding. We don't! We definitely try but it doesn't always happen. 
So go ahead and try these for your Saturday morning breakfast! They are a favorite in our house!  
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar  
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 cup sifted coconut flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
Bake at 400 for 15 minutes! Makes 6 muffins 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Freshly Picked Moccasins

Hi there! I hope you guys are all having a fabulous Tuesday!
Addie rivers had her first day at her new school and she loved it! She fell asleep .2 seconds after they put her in the car.

If you saw my Instagram post yesterday you got a glimpse of our fun mail. I was so excited to get our Freshley Picked moccasins in! I have been dying to get Hayes a pair of baby mocs since he was born and I just want to know why it took me so long to finally order.  These are the perfect mix of cuteness and quality.

Hayes has had them on for the past two days and we have had zero issues with them coming off. He is wearing them like a champ! We decided to go with the royal blue to match daddy's football team colors. I can just picture him now in a tiny jersey and his moccasins. HOLY CUTENESS.

Now that Hayes is crawling everywhere. 24/7. I wanted to get him use to wearing shoes because he is so close to walking. These are perfect for my climbing little monkey. The soft soles make it easy for learning to walk in shoes. I don't think he even notices they are on! Thank goodness, he looks so cute in them because I actually might make him wear them all day/everyday.

Do yourself a favor and go get your little a pair of Freshly Picked! You won't regret it. 

Be sure to check back on my instagram for a giveaway this  Friday- because one of you will get your own pair of soft sole Freshly Picked Moccasins!

xoxo, Ryann

Our Teething Baby Remedies

Happy Monday!

We are slowly but surely getting settled into our new home. We are honestly loving the small town feel! Our first weekend here we had so many people bring things over to welcome us and that made my heart so happy. 
Other than being exhausted from unpacking we are exhausted from this teething baby we have had. 

Poor Hayes just can't seem to get it together with his teeth! And who can blame him? Seriously that must be so painful. I've never liked to use any of the teething tablets or anything to put on their gums. Our family likes to take a more natural approach when it comes to that kind of thing. 
Being a firm believer and a doTERRA family we try using our oils whenever is possible.
Clove oils and lavender has been our lifesaver during this teething week. We do ten drops of clove, ten drops of lavender topped with fractionated coconut oil and bam! Into a roller blender and onto the jaw line. 
It has helped us so much! That and letting H chew on freezing cold wash cloth :) 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Favorite Makeup Under Ten Dollars

Morning Lovies!
I am completely overwhelemed by this move. Geez! I say it every single time we move. NEVER. EVER. AGAIN. and here we are doing it. AGAIN. I know for this move it is completely nessacery for my husband and our family. So we i'm trying to be more excited than stressed.
Hayes is taking his morning nap and Addie Rivers is at school. Which means I have a little free time to get myself ready for the day, do a little blogging, and maybe a little laundry.
After having my first baby it took me at least a year to feel normal again. I was like most new moms. When I was pregant I pictured myself two weeks after the baby- wearing my skinny jeanas again, hair looking perfect, and makeup on point. YEAH RIGHT. For the first few months I didn't even want to change out of my pj's!
After I finally figured out that taking a little time for myself each morning made my day so much better, I made sure to make it a habit. Now I might have an entire can of dry shampoo in my hair and yoga pant on but at least I took five minutes for makeup.
I'm giving you guys my fave five products to use that are under ten dollars and you can find that at almost any drugstore.
1. E.L.F Tone Adjusting Primer- This stuff is great. It makes my skin feel so soft and really helps to even out my skin tones. $6
2. E.L.F Concealer- love this brand of concealer! I got the lightest shade but it is still a little darker than I wanted. It's so great to cover those dark under eye cirles this mama has. $3
3. E.L.F Under Eye Setting Powder- When I have time to, I love to contour my face but on the days I have about five minutes thats not really possible. This under eye setting powder really helps to brighten under the eyes even when not contouring.$3
4. E.L.F Bronzer Palette- I'm in love with this palette. It has four shades of bronzer which is again great for a fast simple contour method. $6
5. E.L.F Perfect Pink Lipstick- I always try to pull off a light pink lip but it is usually too much for me. This lipstick is more of a clear pink. It feels more like a chapstick which I love! $3
Thanks for stoppinf by!
This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts are my own.